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Letter Designating Holiday For An Employee Who Has Not Taken Full Annual Leave Entitlement


This Letter Designating Holiday For An Employee Who Has Not Taken Full Annual Leave Entitlement should be used by an employer to advise an employee with outstanding annual leave entitlement that he or she must take a period of holiday between certain dates.

The Working Time Regulations give workers 5.6 weeks' paid annual leave and provide that the employer may designate specified days on which workers must take some or all of their statutory annual leave. The employer must give the employee advance notice that is at least double the length of the period of annual leave that the employee is to take e.g. the employer should give two weeks' notice that an employee is required to take one week's annual leave.

Employees must take four weeks' statutory leave in the year in which the worker is entitled to it, although some or all of the additional statutory holiday entitlement can be carried over and must be used in the following leave year.

This letter has optional clauses depending on whether or not the employer requires its employees to carry over leave or use it in the leave year in which it accrues.

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Letter Designating Holiday For An Employee Who Has Not Taken Full Annual Leave Entitlement is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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