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Health And Safety Annual Audit Action Plan


Employers must make, and give effect to, appropriate arrangements for effective planning, organisation, control and monitoring, and also for review of the preventive and protective measures identified in their risk assessments as necessary for their compliance with general duties, other health and safety legislation and fire safety legislation. 

The Health and Safety Annual Audit Action Plan is to be used to monitor and control the areas identified in the annual audit or in individual hazard identification that require improvement and action.

The reference numbers on the Action Plan should be either those listed or added to the Health and Safety Annual Audit, those listed or added to any of the other Risk Assessment Checklist/Audit forms or those applied to any individual hazard Risk Assessment form.

The Action Plan provides columns for the following:

1. Action to be taken
2. By whom
3. Target Date 
4. Completion Date 
5. Initials of party confirming completion 

A review table is also provided to record regular monitoring of the various actions on the plan.

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