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General Health and Safety Policy Documents

June 2011
General Health and Safety statements, policies and arrangements and procedures for Sole Traders/Partnerships and small/medium sized Companies.

This month Simply-docs has created 2 new sets of Health and Safety documents. These documents are designed to help all types of businesses, from ‘one man bands’ to medium sized companies with 20 – 30 employees, get to grips with their Health and Safety management.

We have divided the documents into 2 new Sub-folders the first tailored to Sole Traders/Partnerships and the second tailored to small to medium sized Companies.

Each Sub-folder contains:

• A General Health and Safety Statement.
• A General Health and Safety Policy.
• A set of Health and Safety Arrangements and Procedures.

These new document packages will help you to either start your Health and Safety management culture or build on your existing one. They will form the basis of how you manage health and safety in your business whether it is large or small, whether you have an office suite or work out of your living room or garage.

All businesses should have a Health and Safety Statement on display in the workplace. If your business has five or more employees you must also have a Health and Safety Policy. The Arrangements and Procedures aid your management of health and safety in the workplace and detail who is responsible for managing the various aspects of health and safety.

Once the health and safety policy documents have been completed and signed by the most senior person in your business, they demonstrate your commitment to Health and Safety both to your clients and to your suppliers. The documents detail how you comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Regulations that come under it.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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