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Using commercial premises for offices or industrial purposes

Offices and Industrial Premises in Wales

Use of premises as an office, factory, laboratory or warehouse

Use of commercial premises as offices or for industrial purposes comes within use class B of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended). Specific uses are:

• Class B1(a) – offices;

• Class B1(b) – research and development uses, such as laboratories and studios;

• Class B1(c) – light industry suitable to a residential area;

• Class B2 – other industrial uses; and

• Class B8 – wholesale warehouses, distribution centres and repositories.

Can I change the permitted use?

Certain changes of use of class B premises do not require planning permission (subject to certain conditions being complied with). Please refer to https://www.planningportal.co.uk/wales_en/ or consult your local authority for further information.

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