Building work/insurance repairs to a domestic property
This is a different area of work altogether which creates many additional issues. The working area is likely to be smaller which by implication will push the trades into closer proximity. There is also the matter of the householders who may be in the vicinity. Some trades may find it impossible to maintain the distance through the practical needs of their work, and so face masks may be necessary. If face masks are necessary then it is questionable whether it is practicable to wear a mask to FFP2 or 3 while carrying out a physically strenuous task. Remember PPE is not there to create a problem. The same issues with face masks apply to this sector of the workplace as to the larger sites, but here it is important to consider that there may not be anyone to ‘police’ or enforce the wearing of PPE.
A typical scaffold is less than 1.2m wide, it is therefore not possible for two site workers to pass without infringing the 2m social distancing measure. This is not a major issue, as it is likely to be outside and both operatives should be able to face away from each other.
Will the builders use the customer’s kitchen and toilet? It would be sensible to provide separate rest facilities if possible. The kitchen/rest room will need to be cleaned/disinfected regularly. This will need to be specifically organised probably by the site manager. Suitable PPE should of course be used for the cleaning.