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CDM Regs. 2015 amended document templates

Documents taking account of CDM 2015

CDM Regulations

The content of the documents listed below take account of The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015.

In the Health and Safety Folder

Guidance Notes:

• Pre-Site Inspection Guidance Notes for Small Builders HS.CON.SME.04 
• Sole Trader/Building Partnership Guidance Notes for Small Builders HS.CON.ST.04


• Sole Trader/Partnership Builder Health and Safety Policy HS.CON.ST.02 
• Sole Trader Health and Safety Arrangements and Procedures HS.STAT.03 
• Construction Health and Safety Arrangements & Procedures HS.STAT.06 
• Construction Health and Safety Policy HS.STAT.05 
• Sole Trader/Partnership Builder Arrangements and Procedures Form HS.CON.ST.03 
• Small/Medium Company Building Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan Form HS.CON.SME.05 
• Standard Health and Safety Arrangements and Procedures HS.ST.02.06

Document in our Free Documents Folder:

• Fee For Intervention Guidance Notes FREE.HS.11

In the Property Folder

These sub-folders in the Property folder include documents containing references which take into account the CDM Regs 2015:

• Property Management - Consents to Alterations 
• Office Leases/Licences – Short Leases (up to 5 years) 
• Office Leases/Licences – Long Leases (5+ years) 
• Shop/Restaurant Leases – Short Leases (up to 5 years) 
• Shop/Restaurant Leases – Long Leases (5+ years) 
• Industrial Leases/Licences – Short Leases (up to 5 years) 
• Industrial Leases/Licences – Long Leases (5+ years) 
• Land Leases/Licences – Bare Land Leases 
• Construction Sub-contracts – Lump Sum Pay 
• Construction Sub-contracts – Invoiced Instalments 
• Construction Sub-contracts – Notified Instalments 
• Construction Sub-contracts – Longer Sub-contracts

What you should do

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