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CDM 2015 – Construction Safety Plan

What is a Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan?

What is a Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan (CPHSP)?

The Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan, sometimes called the Construction Safety Plan or CPHSP is written by the Principal Contractor and is given to the Client for review and approval.

Construction Phase Health and Safety Plans are needed on large or small building projects; every job needs to have one. The reason for having the plan is to ensure that the Principal Contractor has considered the multitude of potential hazards on the site and has built in the appropriate measures to ensure safety.

The Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan is the Principal Contractor’s working document which sets out in detail how they will manage Health and Safety on the project, and will include answers to any safety issues raised in the Pre-Construction Information Plan by the Client and Principal Designer. The plan might consider issues such as:

• how will the Principal Contractor manage the early morning deliveries of materials as the site is close to a school; or

• how will working at height, such things as cutting or tiling the roof be managed; or

• what will the PC do if workers find any suspect materials during demolition.

The builder (Principal Contractor), is required to prepare the CPHSP, however if they are not experienced in creating such documents they can arrange for a competent person to create it for them.

The CPHSP will include details of the principal parties in the project – the Client, the CDM Advisor if there is one, the Principal Designer and the Principle Contractor and may also include the Project Manager and any significant sub-contractors.

Some of the issues that may be relevant for inclusion in a CPHSP are: Scope of Works; Project Dates, Safe working procedures, Permits to Work; Fire and Emergency Procedures; Welfare and First Aid arrangements; Traffic Management, and the control of Dust or Noise.

A template CPHSP is available in the Simply-Docs Building and Construction folder.

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