We have added a completely new portfolio of template documents and guidance notes to the Corporate Folder entirely dedicated to the legal and governance needs of Charities. From constitutional start up documents to compliance, arrangements for volunteers, fundraising and legacies, our new suite of legal templates are designed to assist anyone from those wanting to found a new charity to the much more experienced trustee involved in the day to day running of a charity.
Charities make up the largest single group within the voluntary sector and there are in the region of 160,000 registered charities in England & Wales. Whilst providing much needed support and services to the community, there are many legal regulations that they must abide by and charities are increasingly having to be run with the professionalism and legal and business awareness of SME businesses. With this in mind, we have created five new subfolders of documents to take a charity through its life, from establishment onwards.
The new subfolders are:
• Constitution and Start-Up;
• Arrangements for Volunteers;
• Gift Aid;
• Commercial Participation Agreements; and
• Legacies to Charities.
Our templates cover a wide range of topics and are designed for charities of various sizes. This includes charities set up both as companies and in unincorporated form. Accompanying guidance notes explain which set of documents are the most relevant to which type of charity. All of the documents in this new Charities group take into account the needs of charities and the requirements of the relevant company law, charity law and the Charity Commission.
Charities make up the largest single group within the voluntary sector and there are in the region of 160,000 registered charities in England & Wales. Whilst providing much needed support and services to the community, there are many legal regulations that they must abide by and charities are increasingly having to be run with the professionalism and legal and business awareness of SME businesses. With this in mind, we have created five new subfolders of documents to take a charity through its life, from establishment onwards.
The new subfolders are:
• Constitution and Start-Up;
• Arrangements for Volunteers;
• Gift Aid;
• Commercial Participation Agreements; and
• Legacies to Charities.
Our templates cover a wide range of topics and are designed for charities of various sizes. This includes charities set up both as companies and in unincorporated form. Accompanying guidance notes explain which set of documents are the most relevant to which type of charity. All of the documents in this new Charities group take into account the needs of charities and the requirements of the relevant company law, charity law and the Charity Commission.
The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.