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Employee Expenses Policy


Expenses are an important part of running a business. Enabling employees to claim for business expenses whilst setting reasonable limits is a key element of managing costs. Whilst all such expenditure should be subject to careful approval processes, a useful foundation which will reduce costs both in terms of time and money is an Expenses Policy.

This Employee Expenses Policy has been designed for use by a broad range of businesses and addresses a number of key areas including travel (both foreign and domestic), accommodation, subsistence, and entertainment and hospitality.

The latter area is of particular importance in light of the Bribery Act which demands great care in the area of hospitality. The terms of this Expenses Policy tie in with both the Hospitality & Gifts Policy and the Anti-Bribery Policy, requiring employees to keep hospitality spending to a reasonable level and to ensure that it is for valid business reasons.

Additional flexibility has been built into this policy by way of optional elements which allow employers to decide whether or not they will reimburse certain expenses. In certain areas you may also wish to add further expenses which can be claimed.

Optional phrases / clauses are enclosed in square brackets. These should be read carefully and selected so as to be compatible with one another. Unused options should be removed from the document.

This Expenses Policy contains the following sections:
1. Purpose
2. Expenses
3. Rail Travel Expenses
4. Air Travel Expenses
5. Car Travel Expenses
6. Accommodation Expenses
7. Entertainment and Hospitality Expenses
8. Training Expenses
9. Membership of Professional Bodies and Associations
10. Personal Expenditure for Work Purposes
11. Claiming Expenses

This Employee Expenses Policy can also be found in the Business Folder in Legal and Business Forms, Bribery Act 2010 & Related Policies.

This policy template is in open format. Either enter the requisite details in the highlighted fields or adjust the wording to suit your purposes.

Once you have purchased access to the Employment Document Folder click on the “Download Document” button below. You will be asked what you want to do with the file. It is recommended that you save the document to a location of your choice prior to viewing.

Employee Expenses Policy is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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