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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Training, Use of Reporting in the Workplace.

Training, Use and Reporting

The Employer must ensure that, where his Employees are provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) under these regulations, they are also provided with comprehensible information, instruction and training as is adequate and appropriate for them to know:

  • the risk(s) which the PPE will avoid or limit;
  • the purpose for which the PPE is to be used and how to use it;
  • what they must do to ensure that the PPE remains in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair.

The employer should establish systematic training of everyone involved in the use and maintenance of PPE so that -

  • users understand why it is needed, are able to fit it correctly and know its limitations;
  • managers and supervisors know why it is needed and how it is used properly;
  • people involved in maintaining, repairing and testing the equipment and in its selection for use are fully competent in their roles.

The instruction and training should include theoretical training as well as practical training. For PPE that is used infrequently, such as only in emergencies, the instruction and training should be repeated periodically. For PPE that is used regularly, refresher training should be provided from time to time after the initial training. Records of training should be kept to assist the efficient administration of training programmes. Special arrangements should be made for non-English speakers to ensure they receive comprehensible information and training.

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