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Workshop/Small Factory Health and Safety Statement, Policy and Arrangement & Procedures

May 2014
For May Simply-Docs continues to update its health and safety policy documents with the addition of a new professionally written collection consisting of a Health and Safety Statement, Health and Safety Policy, and an Arrangements and Procedures document, created specifically for those businesses that operate in or from a factory unit or a small workshop whether it is under the railway arches, on a mini industrial estate or even in their back garden. These new documents all contain sections that are aimed at those who work in these locations, including managing machinery, exposure to vibrating tools, fire control and working around moving plant.

These documents are fully editable and can be used by any sized business from a one man band upwards. They have been kept as simple to use as possible while still covering all the aspects of health and safety that a workshop or factory based business should need to address. Many small companies who use these locations to work in supply their products to the building industry and so may need to prove their ‘health and safety competence’. Even if your business only supplies non-building clients, having properly written health and safety policy documents can demonstrate to them that your Company takes health and safety seriously.

All businesses should have a Health and Safety Statement on display in the workplace. If your business has five or more employees you must also have a Health and Safety Policy. The Arrangements and Procedures aid your management of health and safety in the workplace and detail who is responsible for managing the various aspects of health and safety.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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