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Website Design and Development + Supporting Documents

November 2008

Customisable UK Legal Documents available immediately to subscribers.

Simply-docs provide a comprehensive set of agreements designed to meet all of your website design, development, hosting, maintenance and administrative needs. From the initial project specification to the final acceptance, every aspect of design and development is covered. Continuing on into the working life of the website - hosting, maintenance and support agreements see things in order.

Website Design & Development

The design and development of a website is frequently a many-stage process with a great deal of work being required prior to the commencement of any coding. Most crucially, the client needs to be able to communicate their requirements to the designer. A website project specification will allow the client to do this. The details contained in the specification will then enable the designer to produce a project proposal for the client’s perusal and approval.

In some cases, smaller projects may require less input from the client. For small websites, a simple order form may be sufficient. Simply-docs provide two such order forms, one of which also covers the ordering of website hosting.

Detail is the watch-word where project proposals are concerned. The more information that is available to the client, the easier it is for them to determine whether or not the proposed website will meet their requirements. Simply-docs have produced a Website Work Proposal Checklist, covering key aspects of project proposals, designed to assist designers in drawing up an effective proposal.

The design and development project itself must also be documented. Simply-docs provide a number of website design agreements, each meeting a different set of needs. These will govern the design and development of the website.

It is common for web development projects to be divided into a series of milestones. These allow for easier project management, and also provide the client with various opportunities throughout the project to inspect, request changes or approve their new website. A Milestone Acceptance Form is available, allowing the client to accept those deliverables which meet their requirements, and also includes the option to reject (with comments) any deliverables which do not meet requirements.

Following the completion of the site, it is advisable for the client to sign-off on the project. It is also common for designers to want to add the project to their portfolio in order to better promote their skills and services to prospective clients. Two forms have been designed to accommodate this final stage. The Final Project Acceptance allows the client to sign-off on the project. The Final Project Release Form constitutes permission from the client to the designer to use their website for promotional purposes.

Website Agreements

In addition to the design and development of a website, a number of ancillary matters are important. Essential to a website is a domain name. Domain names may be rented or bought. Simply-docs provide agreements for both. The Domain Name Sale Agreement governs the simple purchase and transfer of a domain name. The Domain Name Rental Agreement covers the leasing of a domain name for definable periods and contains flexible pricing options.

No website would exist without hosting. A Website Hosting Agreement is available from Simply-docs which is designed for use by hosts providing straightforward hosting services for websites. All essential elements are covered and the agreement is designed to allow the host to specify their services clearly, unrestricted by the content of the template.

In the case of many websites, the book is not closed once the site is finished. Maintenance and ongoing support services are often required. Simply-docs therefore provide both a Website Support Services Agreement and a Website Maintenance Agreement to cover such situations.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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