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Severe Weather Risk Assessment Templates

January 2012
Each year in the UK we experience a variety of winter weather related problems, frequently caused by snow, falling leaves and icy conditions. Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the employer has a duty of care both to employees and to all others who may be affected by the business activities. Therefore, prior to periods of cold weather it is important to have reviewed the weather related hazards and completed a Severe Weather Risk Assessment and Severe Weather Risk Assessment Action Plan.

This month Simply-docs has produced a comprehensive Severe Weather Risk Assessment package. This contains various forms that will enable you to carry out assessments and ongoing monitoring of the severe weather hazards in your workplace, from the Severe Weather Risk Assessment through to the Severe Weather Risk Assessment Action Plan. We also include a fully worked example of a Severe Weather Risk Assessment which illustrates the type of issues you may need to consider when carrying out your own risk assessments.

Slips and trips are the single biggest cause of injury at work at any time, and these increase significantly during the winter months. Along with the Blank Severe Weather Risk Assessment Form we have included a detailed but non-exhaustive list of common slip and trip hazards. For each hazard we suggest simple but effective actions that you can take to help reduce the chances of anyone suffering slips or trips.

Once you have completed your Severe Weather Risk Assessment, if extreme weather is forecast, you are in the position to implement the appropriate action plans in order to keep working areas safe, thereby reducing the chances that staff and any visitors will be exposed to severe weather related hazards.

These Severe Weather Risk Assessment templates can assist you in providing evidence that you took steps to prevent a breach of legislation or accidents resulting from negligence in relation to severe weather hazards.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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