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"Reasonable" Standards and Scope of Repair

Landlord’s Repair Obligations Under the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016

The Landlord must keep in repair the structure and exterior of the dwelling (including drains, gutters, and external pipes) and keep in repair and proper working order the service installations in the dwelling.

A “service installation” means an installation for the supply of water, gas or electricity, for sanitation, for space heating or for heating water.

If the dwelling forms part of a building, the landlord’s obligation extends to the structure and exterior of the building and the common parts, (only where the contract-holder’s enjoyment of the dwelling and or right to use the common parts is affected).

The standard of repair is that which is ‘reasonable having regard to the age and character of the dwelling, and the period during which the dwelling is likely to be available for occupation as a home'. 

The contract-holder has an obligation to notify the landlord of any defect, damage, or disrepair which they believe is the landlord’s responsibility.

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