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New Health and Safety Documents – Risk Assessments and Childcare Provision

November 2010

This month Simply-Docs is releasing new health and safety documents with the focus on risk assessment for food businesses and hygiene in the childcare provision industry.

Hygiene for Childcare Provision

When looking after children it is particularly important that a high standard of hygiene is observed by staff. In order to prevent the transmission of diseases, it is crucial that hand washing guidelines are in place for staff, volunteers and visitors to the premises. This month we are bringing out a new Handwashing Policy for Childcare Providers. This document will help you implement necessary hand hygiene practices designed to avoid the spread of infection. It is recommended that all staff are supplied with a copy of the Handwashing Policy. The Handwashing Policy should also be clearly displayed in your premises so that your staff, visitors and parents/guardians can view it.

To help you implement and manage an appropriate level of food hygiene training and general hygiene training for your childcare staff, Simply-docs has produced Guidance notes – Hygiene Training For Nursery Staff. These guidance notes can be used when you are taking on new staff as well as for regular reviews of hygiene training needs.

Risk Assessments for Food Businesses

To compliment our existing Food Hygiene Policy and related guidance notes, Simply-Docs now introduces a new set of risk assessment forms that are aimed specifically at food and catering businesses. These documents are now available in the new Risk Assessments subfolder. These forms are designed to help food businesses monitor, correct and improve the safety of their premises and avoid accidents and injuries to their staff.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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