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Grants by Charities

December 2017

New Documents 

Our Charity Start-up Documents subfolder (in the Charity & Non-Profits group) now includes three new charity grant documents for use where a charity is to give a grant to another organisation.

Grants to Charities

Two of the new documents are designed to be used where the recipient of the grant is also a charity, one of them being shorter and suitable for simple situations, the other being longer with more optional clauses for more sophisticated cases.

Grants to Non-Charities

The third document is designed for use where the recipient of the grant is not registered as a charity and it does not have charitable status in law. The recipient might be a voluntary, social enterprise, public sector, or a commercial organisation. The document can be used where the recipient will be using the grant solely to carry out activities to further the charitable purposes of the charity making the grant. This third template is designed to assist grantor charities in complying with the Charity Commission’s published guidance which applies to those circumstances.

The Charity Commission published revised guidance in August 2017 on the subject which you can see by clicking here. We strongly recommend that you read this guidance in full before you plan to give a grant to a non-charity or to use this new template.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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