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Back to Work Templates

October 2020

Are employees and volunteers of your charity returning to work at one of the charity’s shops, administrative offices or other charity workplaces after a period of absence due to Covid-19?

If so, to meet Government requirements, you first need to carry out a risk assessment for each individual workplace and then to monitor staff and volunteers on a daily basis to check whether they can safely attend work on that day.

The following templates are now available: a blank Risk Assessment form; worked example Risk Assessment forms for a charity shop and a charity’s office; a COVID-19 Daily Health Check Email Declaration form for members of staff or volunteers; a Daily Health Check Declaration and Attendance record for collation and recording of those daily declarations; and a Government poster to be displayed at a workplace, confirming that the employer has followed the Government’s “Working Safely During Coronavirus (COVID-19)” guidance.

The worked example risk assessment forms are designed to help assessors get started when they carry out the risk assessment for their particular shop or office and should only be used as a guide/hints list when applying the COVID-19 Blank Risk Assessment Form to their own particular premises. The idea of the worked examples is to prompt the identification of hazards, those at risk, controls undertaken and further actions.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

Simply-4-Business Ltd Registered in England and Wales No. 4868909, 20 Mortlake High Street, Mortlake, London SW14 8JN
