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New checklist for formation of a Charitable Trust (CT)

August 2024

A new Charitable Trust Formation Checklist has been added to the Charity & Non-Profit documents. It deals with key points to be considered when setting up a Charitable Trust (a “CT”). 

The checklist covers various Charity Commission requirements and other issues to be taken into account in connection with setting up a CT, such as selection and use of a charity name, creating a constitution, trustees, registering the CT with the Charity Commission, preparation and filing of accounts and annual reports, financing, and assets. 

The checklist is in the form of a table that sets out action to be taken or considered with a commentary to assist you, followed by empty boxes for you to complete depending on your individual circumstances. 

We recommend that you take professional legal advice as necessary before making any decisions as to whether to set up or operate a charity as a CT.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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