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Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form


This Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form can be used to manage the hazards involved with moving or handling either people or inanimate loads. Manual handling injuries are the cause of many working days lost every year, and the effects of poor handling can be felt for many years after.

This Assessment Form has been professionally written to help you carry out checks at your workplace. The form follows a logical series of steps and contains various sections dealing with:
- the nature of the load to be moved
- the abilities of the employee concerned
- the nature of the manual handling task
- the working environment in which the manual handling task will take place

How to use the Risk Assessment form:

We suggest that you print off a copy of the form and manually write in your findings; the hazards you have identified and the controls you have and will need. To help you with this process you may find it useful to read our Guidance Notes On Completing A Manual Handling Risk Assessment.

Once you have completed your Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form whether hand-written or electronic, you should transfer the information in the ‘further controls/action’ column into your Action Plan so that you can monitor who has carried out the works and when.

Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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