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New Health and Safety Policies for Lone Workers, Plumbers and Heating Engineers

June 2016

This month Simply Docs have added some new Health & Safety Policies for lone workers, plumbers and heating engineers.

Lone Worker Health and Safety Policy

The definition of what constitutes a lone worker is long and varied and includes delivery drivers, surveyors, estate agents and travelling sales reps. However, the requirement to safeguard a lone working employee’s health, safety and welfare is the same as if they were in your office. There will be obvious differences between the workplaces, and while you cannot control what goes on when they are out and about, you are still required to make sure that certain aspects of the working environment have been considered. This new policy covers the issues you will need to consider to ensure the safety and wellbeing of any lone worker employees in your business.

Plumber H&S Policy and Plumber and Heating Engineer H&S Policy

These new policies for plumbers & plumbing and heating engineers have been written specifically for those trades, and refer to the Health and Safety Legislation, Approved Codes of Practice and guidance notes that apply to them. These new policies work in conjunction with the risk assessment forms in the Risk Assessment folder.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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