Reservation Of Title To Liquidator/Receiver
This Notification of Reservation of Title to Liquidator/Receiver has been updated in order to fit better with the new and updated standard terms and conditions of business containing retention of title clauses.
The letter is to be sent to a receiver or administrator of a company which is in receivership and has not made full payment in respect of goods supplied to it in which the seller retains title.
As well as asserting title in the goods and the right to repossess them, this Letter to Receiver Reclaiming Goods contains optional paragraphs (which depend on the type of reservation of title clause being relied upon) asserting a right to obtain the proceeds of any sub-sale of the goods and also stating that title is acquired in any resulting goods manufactured using the goods in which title is retained.
This Letter to Receiver or Administrator Reclaiming Goods provides for the sender of the letter to specify details of the goods in which it is claimed title is retained. If the goods being reclaimed are too numerous to list in the body of the letter you should detail them in a schedule attached to the letter.
Optional phrases/ words are enclosed in square brackets.
This Notification of Reservation of Title to Liquidator/Receiver is in open format. Either enter the requisite details in the highlighted fields or adjust the wording to suit your purposes.
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