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Minimum Notice Requirements

Minimum Notice Requirements

Contracts of Employment must state the length of notice to be given by the employer and employee: The statutory minimum notice periods are as follows:

  • An Employee who has been continuously employed for 1 month or more but less than 2 years is entitled to not less than 1 week's notice;
  • An Employee who has been continuously employed for 2 years or more but less than 12 years is entitled to 1 week's notice for each year of continuous employment;
  • An Employee who has been continuously employed for 12 years or more is entitled to not less than 12 weeks notice.

    The contract of employment can provide longer notice periods but not shorter. The contractual notice must be stated in the contract if it is longer than the statutory minimum.

    Instant dismissal (or summary dismissal) is possible where the employment contract provides for certain types of conduct justifying dismissal without notice or in other cases of gross misconduct. However, this may give rise to a claim of unfair dismissal in an employment tribunal unless care is exercised and proper/reasonable Procedures & Policies are applied.

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