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Home Working Health and Safety Policy


This Home Working Health and Safety Policy has been written for a business that has staff who work from home. The requirement for a business to safeguard their employees' health, safety and welfare is the same as if those employees were in the office. There will be obvious differences between the two workplaces, and while the employer cannot control what goes on in their employee’s home, they are still required to make sure that certain aspects of the working environment have been considered.

It is the employer’s responsibility to carry out a risk assessment to check whether the proposed home workplace’s ventilation, lighting, working space and the chair and desk (or any other kind of workstation) and possibly even the computer are suitable for the tasks the home-worker will be asked to do.

The employer is responsible for the equipment it supplies, but it is the responsibility of the employee to rectify any flaws in the home highlighted by the assessment. It is advisable that the employer should not allow homeworking until any problem has been resolved.

Once the home workplace is passed as safe, it is the responsibility of the home-worker to keep it that way and take reasonable care of their health and safety. However, they should tell the employer if any precautions turn out to be inadequate.

This policy has been written to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 which sets out employers’ health and safety duties.

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Home Working Health and Safety Policy is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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