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Crimiinal Law - Health & Safety (H&S) Legislation

Criminal Law - Legislation

The employer is required by law to manage health and safety in order to protect employees and non-employees from risks connected with his undertaking. General management of health and safety includes the management of health and safety risks and the management of health and safety legislation.

Management of health and safety risks is required to identify and eliminate or minimise the risks to employees and non-employees. Management of health and safety legislation is required to identify and comply with the Acts of Parliament, Orders, Regulations and Approved Codes of Practice that apply to health and safety relating to the employer's undertaking.

The main legislation on general management is set out in:
1. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, often referred to as the Health and Safety at Work Act; and
2. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, often referred to as the Management Regulations.

The employer is required to manage all health and safety risks created or faced in his business. In doing so he must at least meet the minimum requirements of specific legislation, including

So far as is reasonably practicable, exceed these minimum requirements in order to comply with his general duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act.

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