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Registered Office – What is it?

What is a Registered Office?

The registered office is your company’s official address, where formal company records must normally be kept and legal communications will be sent. Your company’s first registered office must be stated in your application for registration (IN01) to Companies House. The registered office address need not be the company’s actual place of business and is sometimes the address of a company’s accountants or agents who provide company secretarial/registered office services.

The registered office needs to display a sign with your company name. Details of the registered office must also appear on your company documentation (this includes business letters, order forms, invoices and websites). A company may change its registered office to somewhere else in England and Wales provided it notifies Companies House on Form AD01 within 14 days of the change being made.

Simply-4-Business Ltd Registered in England and Wales No. 4868909, 20 Mortlake High Street, Mortlake, London SW14 8JN
