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Fee For Intervention Guidance Notes

September 2012
In October the Health and Safety Executive’s new fines system – the Fee For Intervention (FFI) will come into force. This will allow the HSE to fine businesses who are found to be breaking health and safety law in a wide variety of ways. In practice, this means that if your business is found to be in material breach of health and safety law then you will be charged £124 per hour for every hour that the HSE spend identifying and resolving the material breach. This could end up being very costly for the business. While ultimately seeking to prevent breaches of health and safety law the FFI is also making the offending businesses pay the costs of HSE enforcement.

Simply Docs has produced a set of guidance notes to help you understand how the new system could affect your business.

Using information from the HSE we have written a user friendly information document that explains what the Inspectors will be looking for if they come to your workplace, so that you can make sure that you are compliant, and therefore safe. The best way to avoid what could be huge fines under the scheme is to ensure that you have considered relevant health and safety risks in your business and have taken appropriate action to ensure that your business is compliant with health and safety law.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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