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Equality Act - Disability Discrimination Access Audits in the Workplace

Equality Act - Disability Discrimination Access Audits

An Access Audit is the recommended method for identifying the physical barriers that exist within the workplace. The templates provided in the Health & Safety Document folder and subfolder Disability Access Audit Forms (see below) cover a range of standard issues that may be a potential problem for your business.  The Disability Access Audit documentation starts with a checklist/control sheet, with 17 supporting audit forms with detailed identification and action tips for specific "areas" and amenities, and finally an action plan template.

As part of the access audit you need to consider the following:

  • Talking to employees to identify existing problem areas.
  • Talking to disabled employees, visitors and contractors about their "experience" of your Company.
  • Reviewing documentation and existing procedures.
  • Researching customer or employee complaints on access and service issues for the disabled.
  • Constraints if the building is listed.
  • Restrictions imposed by the landlord or managing agent.
  • Any restrictions imposed by the local authority or highway authority.
  • Take numerous measurements and photos to create a detailed picture of your observations.

Additional practical knowledge of following will be of further assistance:

  • BS 8300:2018(design of buildings and their approach to meet the need of disabled people).
  • Building Regulations Approved Document M (ADM) .
  • Highway Authority regulations.
  • Local Authority Planning restrictions.

Please note that regulations vary in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

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