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Company Secretary “How to” Guides…

November 2011
More Company Secretary Fact Sheets …

This month at Simply-docs we are continuing to look at the role of the Company Secretary and introducing more of our popular “Fact Sheets for the Company Secretary”. They can be found in the Company Secretary and Administration section of the Corporate folder.

The Fact Sheets for the Company Secretary folder contains easy to use, step-by-step guides to the tasks commonly performed by the company secretary, or the individual acting in that role. Each Fact Sheet gives practical instructions on how to carry out the task in question and relevant issues to consider. Each Fact Sheet will be grouped with the relevant documents needed to complete the task concerned such as board minutes, resolutions, Companies House forms etc. This task-based approach means that both up-to-date guidance and the relevant documents to use will be available in one place.

Many small businesses no longer have a company secretary, and the Fact Sheets will also be of use to anybody who is carrying out the company secretarial tasks.

This month we are releasing Fact Sheets 5-6.

Fact Sheet 5 – Annual Report and Accounts and Annual Return

The Fact Sheet ‘Annual Report and Accounts and Annual Return’, deals with time limits for filing documents at Companies House, how to prepare an annual return and accounts, the audit process and the abbreviated accounts regime for small and medium sized companies.

Fact Sheet 6 – Appointment and removal of auditors

Fact Sheet 6 - ‘Appointment and removal of auditors’, and the related documents deal firstly with whether a company is required to carry out an audit, then secondly with the processes that will need to be undertaken in appointing and removing auditors, and dealing with their resignation. It includes the following:-

• Is an audit required?
• Appointment of the auditor
• Removal of the auditor by the shareholders
• Resignation of the auditor

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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