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Companies House forms Oct 2009

October 2009

All previous Companies House forms created by the Companies Act 1985 are to be replaced from the 1st October 2009 by new forms created by the Companies Act 2006 which comes fully into force on this date.

The new forms have been created in PDF format based around the new scanning system used by Companies House. The forms cannot be altered or changed in any way.

When printing out the forms, please be aware that your printer should be on its original settings for example scaling should be set to 100%.

Some forms require a filing fee. To see which forms require fees please refer to the Companies House link below:

Companies House Fees

Any forms received on or before 30th September 09 must be in the Companies Act 1985 form format. Any form received on or after 1st October 09 must be in the new Companies Act 2006 form format. This is Subject to exceptions where the cut off date above does not necessarily refer to the date the form was received by Companies House and instead refers to other factors including the date of appointment, termination of appointment, annual return and the date when the document is signed.

For a fully comprehensive list of transitional provisions please refer to Companies House guidance from the link below:

Comapnies House Forms Transitional Provisions

Further guidance is available from the companies House website link below:

Companies House Guidance

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

Simply-4-Business Ltd Registered in England and Wales No. 4868909, 20 Mortlake High Street, Mortlake, London SW14 8JN
