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Guidance Note: How to do a Site Risk Assessment


The “How to do a Task Specific Risk Assessment for the Building Industry” Guidance Notes explain how to use the Standard Building Risk Assessment Form.

These Risk Assessment Guidance Notes provide explanations on how to interpret the probability and severity of hazards and potential hazards identified during the risk assessment, and the use of priority ranking to help manage the risk assessment review process. It shows a fully worked example and gives an explanation of how control measures can be used.

Based on the HSE format the following document is a step by step guide on how to carry out a Risk assessment, taking you through the standard Five Steps to risk assessment stage by stage.

1. Look for and identify the hazards

2. Decide who might be harmed and how

3. Evaluate the level of risk(s) arising from the hazards and decide whether the existing precautions are sufficient or whether more should be done

4. Record your findings  

5. Review your assessment and revise it if needed

This template also refers to the potential risks of not carrying out proper risk assessments, including associated fines and information of the Court's sentencing guidelines. 

This easy to follow guidance note will enable you to carry out your own assessments using the blank or partially worked examples in this folder.

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