Personal Relationships at Work Policy
Personal friendships at work are felt to be a good thing but romantic relationships in the workplace have the potential to cause massive disruption, particularly if one individual in the relationship has managerial authority over the other, the relationship breaks up or particular employees are perceived as receiving favourable (or unfavourable) treatment as a result of such a relationship.
This policy seeks to strike a balance between allowing an employer to protect their legitimate business interests and the rights of employees to a private life. Any policy must have a clear aim and should not be unnecessarily restrictive e.g. by imposing a blanket ban on all personal relationships at work.
This policy covers the following areas:
• Introduction;
• Employees’ responsibilities;
• Managers’ responsibilities;
• Restricted activities;
• Breaches of policy; and
• Data protection and confidentiality.
Employers should note that, if steps are taken to deal with two employees who are involved in a personal relationship e.g. disciplinary action, both employees should be treated consistently and fairly.
This policy also applies to a situation where there is a family connection between members of the same team.
This Personal Relationships at Work policy warns employees that they must advise their line manager or another senior person if they are having a close personal relationship with another employee, customer, client, supplier or agency worker and warns of the disciplinary action which may follow any inappropriate behaviour on the part of the employee.
Personal Relationships at Work Policy is part of Employment. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment for 1 year.