Standard Minimum Contract with Enhanced Confidentiality
This Standard Employment Contract with Enhanced Confidentiality is very similar to the Basic Employment Contract. It can be applied to a wide variety of jobs, particularly junior roles and those requiring only the statutory minimum requirements for a contract. However, it is particularly aimed at employees who may be given access to confidential or sensitive information.
Employers must provide workers and employees with a written statement of their main terms and conditions of employment and this is often known as a Standard Form Section One Statement.
The “Duties” clause allows you to state the duties and responsibilities of the role. Alternatively, you can just state that the duties and responsibilities are ‘as determined by the Company from time to time’ - or simply refer to a separate ‘Job Description’.
The Pensions Act 2014 introduced a new state pension for people reaching state pension age on or after 6 April 2016, replacing the previous basic state pension and additional state pension and ending contracting out for defined-benefit schemes. This employment contract has been updated accordingly with the removal of the clause referring to the contracting out certificate.
This Employment Contract contains the following clauses:
1. General
2. Duties and Job Title
3. Date of Commencement/ Date of Continuous Employment [and Notice Period]
4. Place of Work
5. Work outside of UK
6. Hours of Work
7. Remuneration and benefits
8. Holidays
9. Other paid leave
10. Training
11. Sickness Absence
12. Pension
13. Non-Compulsory Retirement
14. Confidential Information
15. Exclusivity of Service
16. Collective Agreements
17. Grievance Procedure
18. Disciplinary Procedure
19. Data Protection
20. Changes to Terms and Conditions of Employment
21. Severability
22. Governing Law
23. Right to Work in the UK
This contract in open format. Fields should be completed where indicated.
Clauses with optional and alternative phrases
Options and alternatives appear in blue font.The way in which this document is designed ensures that it will make sense with or without the optional clauses. Tailor this contract by removing all phrases and clauses which are not relevant to your business. Once you have finished, please remember to highlight the whole document and switch the font colour to black.
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Standard Minimum Contract with Enhanced Confidentiality is part of Employment. Just £38.50 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment for 1 year.