Waste Management Guidance Notes
Are you managing the waste products from your business efficiently and safely? Are you complying with the legal requirements for managing your waste? Knowing how to manage waste can help your business avoid enforcement action and may also help to cut costs.
Our Waste Guidance Notes explain what waste is and introduces the specific rules that you must comply with when storing, handling, recovering or disposing of different types of waste.
We have updated our Waste Guidance Notes to remove reference to the now defunct Site Waste Management Regulations and have updated and improved the section on Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment – known as WEEE.
There are ten broad categories of WEEE:
1. Large household appliances
2. Small household appliances
3. IT and telecommunications equipment
4. Consumer equipment
5. Lighting equipment
6. Electrical and electronic tools
7. Toys, leisure and sports equipment
8. Medical devices
9. Monitoring and control equipment
10. Automatic dispensers
The guidance notes give more detail about what constitutes a WEEE appliance and look at the issues you may have in disposing of it safely and legally.
The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.