Share Capital: key legal provisions for Co. Secs
Company secretaries have to deal with the process of administering the share capital requirements of a business. As a resource for company secretaries we have a variety of documents for use in the process of managing Share Capital and our documents now also include useful guidance notes that look at the key legal provisions governing a company’s share capital.
A new folder is now available dedicated to the issue, allotment and transfer of shares within a private company and the removal (if necessary) of a company’s authorised share capital. The brand new “how to” step by step guidance notes help the company secretary (or administrator) to understand share capital requirements as well as navigate their way through the procedures involved in managing a company’s share capital.
Also included within this folder are; articles of association, shareholder resolutions, board minutes, stock transfer forms, share certificates, letters to Companies House and Companies House forms that you may need in order to successfully administer this process.
As with all our company secretarial resources, this new folder has been written with a newly appointed company secretary (or start up business) in mind as well as a more experienced company administrator for whom it is likely to be a useful refresher guide.
The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.