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New and Updated Debt Recovery documents

March 2013
In the current economic climate, ensuring that customers settle their invoices promptly is critical. In most cases, this can be achieved by invoicing without delay and having systems in place to check that payment has been made. However, sometimes it is necessary to take further steps, such as strongly worded letters, negotiation or even court action. With this in mind, we have taken the opportunity to review and update our Debt Recovery and Legal Action folder.

We have changed the structure of the Debt Recovery folder, so that the documents are clearly divided into four sections: Payment Reminder Letters, Repayment Agreements, Legal Action Letters and Court Forms and Statutory Demands. Our documents (including letters, agreements and court forms) cover chasing debts, settling debts by negotiation, taking legal action and enforcing a court order. There is also the option of serving a statutory demand to threaten the debtor with insolvency should the debt remain unpaid.

We have updated some of our documents and explanatory notes to reflect up-to-date practice in the civil courts. We have also added some new court forms relating to enforcement of judgments.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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