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New Gift Aid Declaration forms for Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs

December 2015

An important change to the Gift Aid scheme for donations to charities and CASCs took effect in September 2015. From no later than 6 April 2016, any charity’s or CASC’s Gift Aid forms must contain new wording.

Whilst the wording is simpler and clearer than the previous wording required by HMRC, the new wording, amongst other things, highlights the donor’s responsibility to pay HMRC the shortfall in tax where the total tax paid by the donor for a tax year is less than the tax reclaimed in respect of the total Gift Aid payments made by him for that year.

We have, well before the April deadline, therefore, replaced the Gift Aid forms in our Charity Gift Aid Declaration Forms sub-folder with new forms which comply with the new HMRC requirements.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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