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Signing Contracts - Formalities

August 2013
Ever wondered if you or your company is signing a contract correctly? As a contract is only ever as good as its signing formalities and will not be valid if it has not been signed correctly, this month we are looking at getting it right when it comes to signing a contract whether as an individual, company, attorney for someone else, partnership, LLP, liquidator or an administrator.

As nearly all contracts are made in writing, we have produced a practical, easy to follow, step by step guidance note looking at the different types of written contracts (“simple contracts” and “deeds”) and explain why you might want to use one over the other as well as explaining where the law states you must use one over the other for particular types of contracts. We also explain the differences between them and their different signing formalities.

This new section of our website has been written particularly with company directors and company administrators in mind who will often be tasked with signing documents on their own behalf or on behalf of their company.

Our guidance note also helpfully includes actual signing blocks that can easily be used in a contract whether you are signing as an individual, company, attorney for someone else (or for another company), partnership, LLP, liquidator or administrator.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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