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Awaab's Law: How Landlords Can Stay Ahead of New Regulations

May 2024

The tragic death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak in 2020, attributed to mould exposure, sent shockwaves through the rented sector. In response a petition emerged, urging for new legislation in the social housing sector compelling social housing landlords to promptly investigate and rectify reported health hazards within specified timelines. 

In July 2023 Awaab’s Law was incorporated into the Social Housing (Regeneration) Act 2023.

What are landlords’ responsibilities under Awaab’s Law? 

Awaab’s law effectively introduces an implied term into social housing tenancy agreements mandating landlords to comply with new requirements. Failure to comply makes landlords susceptible to legal action from the tenant for breach of contract.

The law will also require social housing landlord to:

  • Investigate and fix hazards within two weeks of being made aware of them;
  • Begin fixing them within 24 hours;
  • Make emergency repairs within 24 hours;
  • Report their findings to a tenant within 14 calendar days of the health and safety hazard being reported;
  • Complete repairs to a satisfactory level within a reasonable time period;
  • Provide alternative accommodation if there is an imminent risk of harm or danger;
  • Keep records of all attempts to comply with Awaab’s law.

The government initiated a consultation seeking feedback on various aspects of the implementation of Awaab’s Law. The consultation period concluded in March 2024. Presently, the government is accessing the received feedback and intends to introduce secondary legislation to enact Awaab’s law as soon as possible. 

Private landlords are encouraged to stay vigilant about their obligations regarding damp and mould. Please take note of our updated:
Damp and Mould Guidance Note
Damp and Mould Indicators Checklist

Furthermore, we invite you to explore our new:
Letter to tenant Damp and Mould Information 

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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