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Supply Agreement Checklist


The Checklist Supply Agreement can be used to help you instruct lawyers, or to help you complete the relevant Agreement.

It lists a range of simple questions (74) to enable you to focus on the principal legal and commercial issues that need to be considered when drafting a Supply of Goods Agreement including, inter alia, description of the goods (quantity, pricing, specifications and variations thereto etc.), delivery, defects, use of other suppliers, trademarks, inspection and customer service.

This Supply Agreement Checklist template is in fixed field format. Simply press TAB to jump from one field to the next and SHIFT + TAB to go back. Alternatively, use the mouse to click from one field to the next.

The Supply Agreement Checklist template can be unlocked by clicking on the "Padlock" icon on the tool bar. To display the “Padlock” icon click on “View” and then “Toolbars”. From the “Toolbar” menu enable “Forms”.


Supply Agreement Checklist is part of Free & Samples Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Free & Samples Documents for 1 year.

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